
magister dixit, ou neste caso, Einstein dixit:

O Diogo enviou umas frases ditas por Einstein para reflexão: Um dos fundamentos da inovação é a partilha, por isso, partilho. Dito isto, aí vão as frases:

  • Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure.

  • If I give you a penny, you will be one penny richer and I'll be one penny poorer. But if I give you an idea, you will have a new idea, but I shall still have it, too.

  • In the matter of physics, the first lessons should contain nothing but what is experimental and interesting to see. A pretty experiment is in itself often more valuable than twenty formulae extracted from our minds.

  • No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right. A single experiment can prove me wrong.

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